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Suffolk Skylines

I've got to admit that I carry out my photography on my smart phone. I have an amazing SLR and traditional photographic training, but I found I kept missing the moment by not carrying this unwieldy object around with me.

I shrunk down to a ‘pocket’ camera but realistically whose pockets are they meaning... not mine, and I’m not one for a handbag either so there became many moments I missed and wished I hadn't. Until along came the smart phone and our obsession with never being without it, which fitted my art perfectly. Surprisingly enough the worse the megapixel status the better my pictures turn out. Detail and high definition  is not something I need.

A lot of my artworks feature bold pinks or blues. I remember coming to a hen party one December in Walberswick on the Suffolk Coast and on the journey back the next day around 4pm when the Winter day was coming to a close the sky was red, tinged with pink, it wasn't just a red sunset but huge and all around. I then realised what people meant when they referred knowingly to the ‘Suffolk Skies’ and this bold colourful statement in nature was one of the deciding factors that drew me and my family to move here, that and possibly the fact that  my mother was a suffolk estate agent!

Another factor was my need to be close to water - anyone living near the sea will know that there are so many different variations on grey blue, the other main colour featured in my work.

I get excited when I see a landscape that I think will translate well to my style, it may be a colour or shape combination, but they don't always work as planned. With the hit or miss corruption process I don't have control over how they will abstract. This may seem contrary to the skill of an artist guiding each stroke but in contrast to my job as an interface designer where I must control each aspect of my design to aid the functional use and experience of the interface, it brings me a sense of relief and enjoyment.

As with any abstract artwork, my art just looks like blocks of colour until explained and then the shapes become features and the colours become feelings that the mind can understand and associate with. If you are buying an artwork to have on your wall it is down to your connection with it, but I find it fascinating to hear how and why the artist reached that point.


I am a digital abstract artist based in Suffolk.
Have a look at my gallery.